Thursday, December 10, 2009

Thought I would finally post Thanksgiving

We never did the official Turkey Trot this year. It just didn't work out for the family and friends. I was actually quit relieved, my world was spinning too fast. Thanksgiving proved to be hard once again. I don't know that going on to year two is any easier than the first year. I guess it's just all part of grieving, you never know when it is going to pop up.

We did do a little "Turkey Walk". A walk around the block, that is after we ate our dinner. My family all wore their "new" Kamber shirts for this year and we took a little stroll around my in laws block. It was a lot of fun, and the kids were able to participate this year.

I love the Kamber shirts this year. We chose to do a picture! It is actually one of the whole families favorite pictures of Kamber. We of course missed our sweet little girl, but we are so grateful for our time we had her here.